Nootropics for Stress and Anxiety

Woman on lawn after nootropic for anxiety

We discover the best nootropics for stress and anxiety, and other ways you can help reduce the symptoms.

Anxiety is no longer something that just effects some of us, as an estimated 40 million American adults suffer from anxiety each year. For those who aren’t diagnosed with this anxiety disorder, there’s a good chance that they experience stress in their everyday lives, which can also be debilitating in its own way.

There are a few common forms of treatment available today for anxiety, with psychotherapy and prescription medication being the most common. However, a new form of treatment that is showing promise in so many ways is nootropics or cognitive enhancers that promote better brain health.

So, what makes nootropics so good for the brain and how do they treat disorders like anxiety and stress? We’re going to explore these substances further to find out which are the best nootropics for stress and anxiety, and how advanced brain use might also be able to offer some relief.

Why Are Nootropics Good for Stress and Anxiety?

If you’ve ever tried to concentrate or think when you’re stressed out or having anxiety, you know it can be near impossible. The reasoning for this is that when you’re experiencing these feelings, they’re powerful enough to disrupt your neurotransmitters and send all of your cognitive functions off balance.

Using nootropics for stress and anxiety means your brain is able to create new pathways that can help it relax. It does this while sharpening your mind and improving cognitive functions, so it’s working in two ways at once.

Each nootropic has its own amazing benefits on the brain, and there are many that seem specifically built for anxiety and stress. These are the nootropics that calm the mind while also increasing efficiency, which can be a delicate balance for other substances to get right.

The Best Nootropic Ingredients for Stress and Anxiety

If you’re someone who suffers from anxiety, you’ll try just about anything to cure it. Likewise, people with high-stress levels will find themselves unable to keep their minds on any other task when they’re feeling this intense. These are some of the best nootropics for stress and anxiety that could be the miracle cure you’ve been waiting for.

  • Bacopa Monnieri

Most people take Bacopa monnieri for its memory enhancing powers, but it’s possibly even more powerful for stress and anxiety. The herb has been compared to prescription medication for anxiety, but with one key benefit – no side effects. Studies on animal subjects found that it promoted relaxation but promoted cognition at the same time which is something drugs were never able to achieve.

  • Rhodiola Rosea

This amazing nootropic is also known as an ‘adaptogen’ which means it helps bring the body back to normal levels when something goes wrong. Therefore, it can help you adapt to stressors of life and deal with them more easily. It also actively prevents overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol and keeps it within a healthy range.

  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine

Supplementing your body with L-tyrosine, that it makes naturally, can maintain stress levels and prevent them from getting too high. L-tyrosine can help with extreme stressors like cold weather and low oxygen, and it’s even more impressive when dealing with external stressors that might be playing on your mind as well.

  • Phosphatidylserine

This natural nootropic is found in cell membranes in all parts of the human body. This ingredient, when taken in supplement form, can actively reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol within the body and may even be considered as a high-performance stress reliever. In addition, it’s a powerful cognitive enhancer and known for its benefits on memory and overall brain health.

  • L-Theanine

This amino acid is commonly found in green tea and it has the amazing ability to settle agitated neurotransmitters in the brain and replace them with relaxing ones. It can also reduce the effects felt from too much caffeine, which is why it’s especially powerful when ingested as green tea, as you get the benefits from both of these ingredients. Studies have shown that relaxing is one of the best ways to stop brain fog, so using theanine for stress isn’t the only benefit.

Advanced Brain Use to Treat Depression and Mood Disorders

Another mood disorder that is being treated with nootropics is depression, and this debilitating disease affects millions of Americans each year. In addition to using a nootropic stack that’s known to promote good brain health, studies have also shown that advanced brain use could be the key to stopping the progression of this condition.

Advanced brain use is the process of using your brain and keeping it active. There are a number of ways you can do this from learning new skills, making changes to your everyday routine, or engaging in mind and memory exercises.

This type of activity, coupled with the right nootropic stack, could have so many benefits for a brain that feels the effects of depression, anxiety, and stress. As more and more neurological findings point to brain activity as a way to keep damage and deterioration away, we begin to see how powerful a bit of mental engagement can be.

Nootropics for a Better Way of Living

The more we learn about the benefits of nootropics, the less likely we are to rely on harsh chemicals and prescription medication to treat our mental conditions. Combining the use of nootropics with your regular forms of treatment could give you an edge when trying to get on top of stress and anxiety, and may even be powerful enough to replace them altogether one day. Just seeing what these few nootropics are capable of gives us great hope for what the future might be like when treating mood disorders. Getting to the root of the problem, balancing the brain, reducing stressors, and fixing neural pathways seems like a far better approach than masking symptoms with the use of medication, and our body and mind will surely thank us for it.

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